Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day Three--Jumping into the heat

Finally we had our first real sunny day.

Perhaps it was the sunshine, but it quickly became obvious that all the players were getting used to eachother and they we starting to blend together much more. The Taiwanese boys seemed to be the center of attraction as most players in their groups wanted to learn some Mandarine.

Today I was able to follow around Group C they were in the classroom to see a video on the proper/most efficient skating technique. They then were able to see themselves on video from the morning skate and do a self critique and be critiqued by the coaches.

After lunch and a little down time it was time to test physical fitness. Push ups, sit ups, vertical jump, height and weight were all taken today. I have to say that all the Taiwanese boys could stand to do much more work on strength.

In their game today, Jack got first star and Jerr was third. However do to all the running about I wasn't unable to see all the games.

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