Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day Two-- The pain begins

So today was the first real day of camp and it came with many sucesses. In each of the games (4) all the players performed well and every one won their games. In the PeeWee Division, Tommy Chen was 2nd Star, Andrew Chu was top defensive player and many more had goals and assist in their respective games.

All the boys were extremely worn out by the end of the day but I am certain the energy will be high again tomorrow.

The thing that impressed me most is how all the boys are getting along with the new friends that they are making. Hearing them teaching Chinese words (not the best ones) and hanging out with the boys. Even celebrating as a group or encouraging others after a good play. Those are the moments that have been the most impressive thus far.
The buzz is around the rink to and everyone knows about the 'Chinese Boys' and there has been a lot of interest in the hockey scene in Taiwan.

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